
Vanilla PBR

Vanilla PBR

 Vanilla PBR is a new resource pack that enables Minecraft players to take full advantage of the new Deferred Lighting Rendering Pipeline Shaders and features in Minecraft Preview and above.

A derivative work & offshoot of Vanilla RTX, the most popular resource pack for Minecraft with RTX, Vanilla PBR covers every block with meticulous care & consistent details.
Everything has been heavily adjusted where needed in order to ensure proper functioning & compatibility with the new Deferred Lighting Rendering Pipeline.
Various other visual properties of your worlds have been adjusted using the new deferred lighting pipeline features.

Vanilla PBR is created for the Deferred Rendering Pipeline and will work on all supported platforms (Android, Xbox & Windows PCs).

Find the Vanilla RTX Community:

Incredibly detailed & Consistent materials

Water Reflection

Entities PBR Support!

Please note that this resource pack is still in development. Many exciting features and updates are yet to come.
You can support future development of my projects by becoming a Patron at 


Source: GitHub/Vanilla-PBR

Select version for changelog:

ChangelogView more


Vanilla PBR can be used on Minecraft v1.20.30.20 Preview and above.
As of now the following devices are supported by the deferred rendering pipeline:

  • Windows PC
  • Xbox
  • Android (GLES 3 devices running Android OS 9 and above)

Installation Guide:

  1. Download the latest Vanilla PBR Release from this page.
  2. Make sure you are using v1.20.30.20 Preview or higher.
  3. Before creating a world, head to Experimental Options in the world creation menu
  4. Enable "Render Dragon Features for Creators" experimental option
  5. Activate Vanilla PBR in your world or global resource packs
  6. Join any world, check your video settings, scroll down and look for "Graphics Mode"
  7. Set Graphics Mode to "Deferred Technical Preview" from the menu and go back to your world, have fun!

For more information about the new render dragon features visit this page.
Comment your issues & suggestions below, you can also find help at the Vanilla RTX Discord server.

Supported Minecraft versions

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